高級酒米「松山三井」を贅沢に使用した米と麹のみの甘酒「米乳(マイニュウ -MYNEW-)」。美容飲料としてだけでなく、肉や魚を柔らかくしたり調味料としての役割も持っています。またはスムージーの飲料食品として様々な料理との相性がよくお砂糖の代わりとしてもお楽しみいただけます。私らしい新しいスタイルを発見してみてはいかがでしょうか。

Amazake ("MYNEW") is a non-alcoholic amazake made with only rice and koji, using the luxurious high-grade sake rice "Matsuyama Mitsui". Amazake is an "intravenous drip"! It can be used not only as a beauty drink, but also to tenderize meat and fish, and as a seasoning. You can also enjoy it as a drink food by adding it to smoothies instead of sugar or serving it with various dishes. Why don't you find your own new style?

令和元年食味コンクール国際部門 金賞受賞
"Not caring" is "caring"
Agriculture is basically a world of nature, as they say, "90% nature and 10% man. The climate, soil quality, and water derived from the topography are the source of the delicious taste. Fortunately, the Tanosuji area has all three conditions for growing delicious rice, and the "Tanomai" rice harvested here was highly valued as a gift to the lord of the Uwajima domain. Rather than "making" rice, it is more like "growing" it. We do not do anything unnecessary and do not interfere. The priority is to create an environment where the rice can grow healthily, and the farmers are grateful for the delicious and abundant harvest. I want to be that kind of farmer.

Our special non-alcoholic sweet sake.
The Tanosuji district in Uwa Town, Seiyo City, Ehime Prefecture, is a rice-growing area with rice fields 220 meters above sea level. In winter, the entire area is covered with snow, and in spring, the melting snow spreads over the entire area. The rice produced there has an inherent sweetness that spreads throughout its flavor. Only the flavor of the rice is squeezed out, and the rice has a rich sweetness like rice milk. Please enjoy this amazake made from the rice, a specialty of the Tanosuji area.